Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thanks Aunt Holly!!

It was great to see what my stinker was up to while I was at the Dr. It's good to know she won't leave a bow in for someone else.


I had an ultrasound yesturday so we could see exactly* how small she is. I have been measuring small the last few weeks so we thought we would peak at her again.
*By exactly I mean an ultrasound this far along can be off 1.5 lbs. With Calli we had an ultrasound on her due date (3 days before she was born) and she was expected to be 7lbs11oz. and she was only 6lbs12oz.

Well this girl is following her sister's growth and is only 6lbs 7oz according to the ultrasound. The Dr. is not concerned with my due date being off b/c all the other ultrasounds were right on as far as measurements. He said I should have her this weekend b/c he is oncall but I will most likely have her next weekend b/c he thinks I will just be a few days late like with Calli.

I am just hoping to make it through this week--wrestling ends on Sat the 21st (WHOOPPIIEE)-just kidding honey we love watching you coach!!)

As far as how I feel. Physically I feel pretty good. I was much more uncomfortable a month ago. I feel like she has "dropped" which means her feet aren't in my ribs as often. The warm weather has been awesome and we have been going for walks, which we did every day at least once a day the month before Calli was born.