Monday, July 19, 2010

Our girls at the 4th of July parade. Andilynn is such a little daredevil and the water (lake or pool) does not scare her at all. She tries to go underwater, she loves to jump from the dock or the side of a pool! I know her bathing suit is scandalous but I still think its cute :)

Calli Jo also loves the water but is a little more timid. I can trust her not to try to go under or go out past her belly.
The next few pics are fuzzy bc I was taking them without her knowing which was through our window. She was getting in and out of our two Cozy Coups but also had her cell phone in her hand and was talking the whole time!! She isnt quite cordinated enough to move the cars but spent like 45minutes playing. It was hilarious just to watch her. Dont worry she wasnt texting while driving- just talking. I dont know where she learned that! :)


Adam and Becca said...

Yeah! Updates from the Rottiers! Love seeing what you and your family have been up to! Let's try to get another playdate on the calendar!