Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Calling all Moms

Does anyone have any home remedies to help little ones deal with head colds? (Since we can only give her Tylenol :( )

I am talking about a nasty nose, won't sleep laying down for longer than 1 hour, very cuddly, can't really breath with her binkie in her mouth, and very needy. Yes I love the extra cuddles but I hate seeing her so....well, gross.

Even if the remedy is only for an hour or even a few minutes of happiness, anything can help.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Still amazed..

This email I got made me marval at how God works!! He makes us so delicately and precisely and it takes 10 months to make each and every one of us. He apparentley is a lot more patient than the rest of us who find the 40 weeks, horribly agonizing!!

"Your baby has grown in the last week! Now about an inch long, she is about the size of grape and weighs less than an ounce. In the coming weeks, she will continue to gain weight rapidly, as her basic physiology is finally in place.
Her heart has divided into four unique chambers and her muscles and organs are able to move independently. Her eyes are fully formed, but at week 9 her eyelids are fused shut. Look for her to open her eyes for the first time around week 27! The tiny tail your baby once had is now entirely gone and her sex organs have developed. However, it is probably still too soon for your doctor to discern your baby's sex."

Sidenote: My baby no longer has a tail (wooohooo) !!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

In one year.....

In one year from today I will be planning my daughter's 2nd birthday party and have a 5 month old baby to take care of too. That is amazing and scary and overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. Yes that means I am pregnant.....

Shocked, surprised, flabergasted??? That is how I was when I started throwing up a couple weeks ago on our family camping trip in the UP.

My official due date is up in the air. The Dr. is guessing March 25th/26th. I am going to say 25th just because that day is closer. I am 9.5 weeks pregnant, I have already sneaked a peak at the little blob I like to call Leech. It was such an adorable blob :) (only a mom can say that)

I am excited and all in all in amazement that our family is growing once again.


These are the pics I have been trying to download. This is Calli and Jessica, 5yrs old, playing in the sprinkler. They both love it!

This is Maddie. She is the smallest of the twins(which are 7 months old) that I watch and she is typically the more even tempered.
This is Alex. He is such a cuddlebug and got the curly hair and left is sister with none. They both still get tired out watching the other kids play.

I don't have a pic of Jordan, 7yrs old.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Go Tigers!!!

Dan and I took my grandma and grandpa to a Tiger's game for her birthday and we let it be a surprise until we got to the stadium. They were so excited it was so cute!! We all had a great time! They are major fans and they even get irritated when the Tigers are in Seattle because the games are on so late but they always watch them. They were double excited when they actually won the game we were at.

P.S. Check out her appropriate shoes!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008