Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Calling all Moms

Does anyone have any home remedies to help little ones deal with head colds? (Since we can only give her Tylenol :( )

I am talking about a nasty nose, won't sleep laying down for longer than 1 hour, very cuddly, can't really breath with her binkie in her mouth, and very needy. Yes I love the extra cuddles but I hate seeing her so....well, gross.

Even if the remedy is only for an hour or even a few minutes of happiness, anything can help.



Heidi said...

Elin always seems to improve with a warm bath using some of that Johnson's vapor bath. It's very temporary of course, but sometimes enough to get her to go to sleep more comfortably. I've also taken a very little bit of the vapor bath and put it in the humidifier next to her bed. Hope she improves soon!

Adam and Becca said...

The one time that Landon had a cold.....we put a humidifier in his room and it also had a chamber for some vick;s vapor stuff. Seemed to make him breathe easier.

P and R said...

You can give (almost) one year olds Motrin (aka Advil/ibuprofen)! I think that works better honestly for sleeping at night. And I definitely am a HUGE fan of the humidifier. Crank that sucker up to high until her room looks like a rainforest. It won't work well for her at low levels. They used to sell the Johnsons mentholated stuff in a cream, not sure if they still do, I stock piled it. But I put some one William's chest at bedtime. Not sure how much I think that works, but worth a try! Vicks makes a Baby rub too, maybe try that? Good luck!