My how time flies! Andi is already 8 weeks old and what do we have to show for it??
She had her 1st out-of -state travel to WI for my cousin's college graduation. We had a great time hanging out with all of them. Calli got to swim in the pool at the hotel, which just like last year she thought is was awesome. She even started jumping off the side into the pool.
Andi on the other hand, the little stinker decided to have a fever while we were in WI on the 10th, so we got to do our first ER visit with a kid and it was out-of-state! Then we got to drive back after being at that hospital for 8 hours and take her to Devos and hang out there for 4 more hours. She had a fever of 103 and so they had to do every test in the book, (strep, swine flu, take blood from her foot, urine analysis, give her an IV and then even a spinal tap). Lovely! It was a great Mother' Day! We really weren't planning anything but driving home anyway. I was just grateful we had family all around so we were able to leave Calli with my parents and siblings. She even traveled back with them.
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